Susana Miller Workshop Details

About Susana Miller

Article by Susana Miller


Workshop Schedule

Workshop Locations

Workshop Fees and Registration



About Susana Miller

Susana has been dancing and teaching tango since the late 1980s revival of social tango. She is the most prominent teacher in the world today of the "milonguero" style of tango danced in the crowded clubs of downtown Buenos Aires. This is a social style of tango that emphasizes musicality and the connection between partners. Susana has probably put more people on the dance floors of Buenos Aires' milongas than any other single teacher. In a 1999 article in the Buenos Aires daily paper Clarin, she was named one of the four most important contemporary influences in tango.

Susana will help students improve posture, axis, grounding, breathing, balance, and sensitivity to the lead and follow roles. She aim to encourage dancers to develop their own unique improvisational styles through knowledge of the music, body and space. Susana emphasizes step quality and rhythm rather than predetermined patterns. You won't find a better opportunity to learn the essence of tango without going to Buenos Aires! many experienced dancers say that Susana gave them the thing that was missing from their dancing. Susana has a profound influence on the way Ilana and I dance. We highly recommend them!!!

This year marks the 11th anniversary we hosted Susanna to Seattle. Susana is a very important teacher of our time. This is your opportunity to study with the mater of the Milonguero style tango!

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Article by Susana Miller

Performance Tango or Tango Milonguero

(Translation of an article by Susana Miller, published in the tango magazine "La Cadena", 1995)

Two styles of Argentine tango, performance and milonguero, bring about a controversy in the dance community. Some attribute a false dichotomy between these styles. False because, in relity, they are complimentary. In a certain aspect, performance tango and milonguero tango are two sides of the same coin.

Tango is known throughout the world because of performance tango. The beauty and splendor of its figures are spread by TV and on the stages of theaters across great distances to far away places. In this tango the couple separates in order to execute complicated figures and steps that have more visual appeal. The separate because it would be difficult to see the "closed" tango in a large theater of 500 or more people. The body work, particularly the leg motions, would not engender great interest. In the performance tango the steps are based on milonguero style, but are enlarged and embellished, and become choreographies that cross the stage diagonally, creating displays and making full use of the ample space available. The tango is known throughout the world thanks to the artists, very fine and expert dancers, and thanks to their inspiration and the hours of daily work that they devoted to their talent. Thus, the tango was saved from remaining an exotic popular dance of a remote country. The far away Buenos Aires brought the heart of its culture near the heart of the world.  


However, the origin of tango was in the salon, where it still lives. This tango relates to the passion which is awakened and grows within the couple, including a specific manner of manipulating the space, and a special combination of rhythmic beats. This is what the people who come from other lands discover in Buenos Aires; another tango. Then they understand that the true place of performance tango is on the stag. This is why the best performance dancers always go to the salon, to immerse themselves in its foundation, to invigorate their choreographies and enrich them with the spontaneity of the salon. After all, for the choreography to be thrilling and exciting, it must not appear to be rehearsed. Instead, it must translate the spontaneity and heat of the salon.


In the salon the couple dances for their own enjoyment, and not for show. The steps are a method to circulate within the space, which is very limited. It is a "closed" tango, with erratic figures that vary within the necessities imposed by the place. The milongueros can dance on four tiles, one tile, or even in place, while preserving, with great passion, the rhythm and contact with the other body, with a mixture of relaxation and tension both physical and emotional. The man offers his musical consciousness to the woman, and she follows him as if she was his shirt. Her creativity flows through her interpretation of the manner of enjoying in her body, and giving back what the man proposes.


Anyway, this explanation is ineffable, and the emotion of the "salon" is non-transferable. It's only verifiable with that wink that characterizes all communities that share a passion a little secretively. The beauty of this style is its simplicity, the great energy that flows on the dance floor. The couples are as in a trance, in a kind of "beyond consciousness". The body language is extremely rich. The feelings give meaning to the steps and to the movements of the bodies.


The vocabulary that this dancing elite communicates with permits a view, a gaze at the meaning of this dance: "to walk the tango". "apilarse" 1, "to sleep the woman", "to move her", "to dance her".


The performance must have spectacularity, but it needs the "salon" as inspiration because otherwise it would be showing something that does not exist. The "salon" also needs the performance tango to disseminate itself and transmit itself to other generation. But even though everyone can dance "salon" not all of us can dance "performance". Sooner or later, anyone who intends to will learn the "salon" tango, which is something feasible and more near to the expectations of those who begin to take classes.


The people are a solitary community which seeks love, to love and be loved. The embrace of the tango, la franela 2, the excitement it contains, are an emulation of love, a relief for the soul and an act in which the man and the woman tell each other without reservation their joy and passion in an embrace.



1.     Apilar means "to stack". In this context it suggests to stack the woman on the man, and the man on the woman. It refers to the leaning posture used in this style of tango.

2.    "Franela" is a Lunfardo term that has no word in English. Literally it means "flannel", but the Lunfardo meaning is a subtle and sensual caress of the woman's body by the man's body. In tango when the man rocks the woman in place, he enjoys the feeling of her body against his. Also, a tight caminata, with the legsbrushing together is franela. "sleaze" dancing has franela, but the word "sleaze" might have a vulgar connotation not implied with "franela".

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Susana's favorite word while she's teaching, "Eso". "Yes....This is it." That's what many of Susanna's students think when they discover her teaching. "Yes....This is it." Here are comments by some of Susana's students in appreciation for what she has taught them.

"Susanna was the first teacher that revealed to me the energy levels that different tango movements have according to the music. Other teachers taught steps, Susana taught steps that had variations in energy in sync with the music and that therefore were communicated to a partner with meaning. The depth of that musicality is the greatest gift she has given me."    ...Barbara Durr

"No teacher I know presents material as well as Susanna does. She emphasizes feeling and movement in her teaching, and has less emphasis on steps. Many of our dancers felt that they learned a deeper level of tango under her guidance. We also loved Susana for her delightful and warm personality."    ...Steve Rose

"This woman is phenomenal! She has a lot of energy and does not limit herself to teaching four steps but gives you the philosophy, the significance of the tango as she does it. She explains things very well."    ...Griselda Ruiz

"My dance has been deeply enriched. Susana injected into it that 'porteno' style which gives the steps the true feeling of tango."    ...Gabriella Lopez

"Susana is warm and witty. She is a devoted tango master and very discerning of each individual student's needs. She has taught me a lot about good dance."    ...Lynda Wilson

"Susana brings her intelligence, wit and charm to the tango. Engaging and dynamic, she is able to share the essence of this dance. You will be transformed, and so will your tango."    ...Ronda Patino

"When I was a young man, the Army gave me these wings for having the courage to parachute from airplanes. Susana, you've given me the courage to seek the tango that lives inside my heart. I have nothing so great to give you, but as a small token, I want you to have my wings."    ...Danny Waggoner

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Workshop Schedule

Friday, September 26th

Phinney Neighborhood Center (Main building, 2nd floor, Room #7)


A.      7:30PM - 9:45PM      Close Embrace Tango for Beginners (All levels)

                                               A full 2 hour workshop (with 15 min. break)                                        

                                               designed for dancers want to dance close embrace.

                                               Everything you need to know to start enjoying

                                               tango on the social dance floor.       



Saturday, September 27th

Dance Underground


B.      1:30PM - 3:00PM      What is HOT in Buenos Aires! (Int.)

                                               Buenos Aires tango today: The steps in vogue!


C.      3:30PM - 5:00PM      Close Embrace Boleos (Int.)

                                               Beautiful boleos in close embrace tango!

                                               New Title!


D.      5:15PM - 6:45PM      Milonga- How to dance the fast milonga (Int./Adv.)

                                               Secretes and steps to deal with fast milonga music.


         9:30PM -1:00AM       Special Saturday Night Dance

                                               Dance Underground 

                                               340 15th E, Capitol Hill

                                              (Down stairs in the Bagel Deli Building.)

                                               Special guests: Susana Miller

                                               DJ: Tony Fan




Sunday, September 28th

Dance Underground


E.      2:30PM - 4:00PM     Advanced Milonguero Movements (Adv.)

                                             Porteño look and feeling for man and woman.

                                             Solid tools to take you to the next level!

                                             New Title!


F.      4:15PM - 5:45PM     How to Develop a Complex Dance (Adv)

                                             How to integrate more steps into your dancing and develop complex

                                             figures. Keys to make a charming dance for both leads and follows.

                                            New Title!                       

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Workshop Locations


Phinney Neighborhood Center (Friday event only- New location w/ wood floor)

6532 Phinney Ave N (Free parking! Main building, 2nd floor, Room #7)

(Free parking!)


Dance Underground (Saturday & Sunday Events)

340 15th E (in Seattle's Capitol Hill district)

(downstairs in the Bagel Deli Building.)

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Workshop Fees and Registration

Workshop Fee

        For Friday Workshop only

              $30 for workshop 'A'

        For Saturday & Sunday workshops (workshops 'B' thru 'F' only):

              $25       per workshop per person

              $60       for package of any 3 workshops per person

              $20       per workshop if registered for more than 3 workshops per person

        $120  for all workshops per person

        $10    special Saturday night dance with special guests Susana Miller


Attendance at all classes will be limited by the capacity of the rooms. Please register early!

No partner required! No previous experience required for the beginning level workshop.


Please specify which workshops you are taking

(i.e. workshop A, workshop B .... etc.)


Please Make checks payable to:

Ilana Rubin 

336 N 104th St

Seattle, WA 98133


or register by email at

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Copyright © 2006  TANGO ARGENTINO. All rights reserved.
Revised: August 27, 2008 .